Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Call me by Name: "... for those who are still looking"

A letter from anyone who has come through the other side to anyone who hasn't.
It is only cryptic because I cannot layer these words with the manner in which they were originally expressed. It is one of the clearest things I have ever written, but the language makes clarity difficult.

Beneath these layers built up by people who teach us what to be, something stirs sometimes. Some old remnant of what I am. If I hold on to them, I could share something with someone one day. If I let them go, I will revert to my nature.
I am not the vessel, as I'd once believed. I am the thing I thought I contained. TO realize it demands a closer, more immediate knowledge of its face and voice. To realize it makes me learn that I don't understand me on some vital level I have no name for. Why? Because you took it away. You took it away from all of us. And we protect these manufactured layers because removing them will make us alone.
It's no trouble to understand the words, but words are an instrument. Words are not the hands which play the instrument. Would you look up and see the player? I've been told that most would have no idea what they are looking at. Robbed of the clean mindset that allows information to impress itself on their hearts all at once, the outlook that makes few assumptions, they can't see something for what it is. They need to give it a name.
Call me by my name!
I despair of anyone ever learning my name, but what alarms me the most is that many can no longer learn their own.
This is the ugly truth that confinement has taught me. It isn't simply being denied motion or choice. It's being denied a sense of self, creating an impressionable creature who needs one manufactured for them.
What am I without the me that was manufactured?
Call me by my name ...
If you realize that other people created a dependence in you, a need to be defined and directed externally, you can at least have the opportunity to try and let it go.
Your name is fundamentally altered, whether you retain enough resilience to withstand the pain inherent in breaking out or not. Your name is an impression of the force which makes you whole, the natural tendencies which temper it or amplify it and now. And now. Our names also say that we have been made once, not born, the way it should have been. Our names contain immense levels of pain, the result of barriers and struggles and manufactured inevitability. No one could call each other by name without being overwhelmed.
This is what humanity has done. Humanity has committed a crime worse than any other known creature ever has.
Call me by my name!
But don't. I don't wish this on you, even though my dearest dream is to watch people being set free.
Do you want to escape?
I'll warn you ... it's going to hurt.
What am I without my name?

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